Sunday, February 12, 2012

It's Sunday night and I'm playing with this blog-thing again because I need to get the hang of it before I leave for Ghana on March 3.  I'm trying to figure out how to add a photo to my blog page.  The Teachers for a Global Classroom conference is coming up this Friday and Saturday in Washington DC. I'm looking forward to a change of pace, but feel like I'm getting very behind on school work.  Teaching physics for the first time is a BIG leap for me since it was far from my favorite subject in college.  I certainly hope I'm making it more applicable and interesting to my students than my college professors made it for me!


  1. Hey Melinda, I can help you with your blog.
    I am your first follower. Laura

    1. I can use all the help I can get. Please offer tips, suggestions, etc. I'm hoping to figure out how to upload my pics. Thanks for being a follower!

    2. Melinda, right next to link is the insert image button. It looks like a mini picture.
      Click the insert image button on the tool bar and it will ask you where to get your images, you can even upload from your iphone. I hope this helps.

      I write in compose mode unless I need insert an html code.
